So, Ryan and I are definitely ready to settle down. We have a lot of new exciting things happening and I just want to share them. After the last post we need some excitement!
#1 As most of ya'll know we're expecting :) Yes I know, we have already announced it on multiple occasions, but what can we say? We are excited! In just a couple of weeks we are going to find out if little Baby Taggart is a boy or a girl. When this happens we plan to have a small get together with those close to us and announce the long awaited surprise. (May I add this pregnancy seems to be crawling by, and I am like so ready to hit 20 weeks.) An update on ME during this pregnancy is; although, I am not in my 2nd trimester. I am not actually getting sick. I felt nauseous most of my pregnancy thus far, but now actually getting sick... horrible! Other than that, baby is healthy and last we checked had a heart beat of 165.
#2 As follows a baby, so does needing a bigger place. Ryan and I have been looking at houses for the past month. We have made some offers, but nothing that has worked out yet. We are very excited to find our own home and feel like we are really truly settling down. It has been quite the chaotic start to life as a married couple with moving all over the country, but we are finally content with where we are and finally ready to settle down in Utah for awhile. We aren't sure where we want to live yet, but when we know... we will let ya'll know.
#3 My birthday is in a month. Where has time gone? I am about to be 24. It feels like I just turned 21. It is crazy how life just moves so fast. I swear after you turn 18 it's like a blink of an eye. I am not sure what we will be doing. I hope we have time to escape for a weekend. Honestly what I'd really like is a long massage, a makeover, and a spa day! Hint Ryan ;)
Those are the exciting things to come :) As for now, we take every day one day at a time. Ryan works a lot and I am busy with school and work. I have really enjoyed being back in Utah and we are so happy to be close to our best friends :) I am ready for school to be over so I can have more time with those close friends!
We will update you soon. Another ultra sound is on the 9th and we will let Ya'll know how everything is going :)
yay!! I am so excited for y'all! Owning a home and knowing that is where you will raise your family is going to be so wonderful for y'all. <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you to have a baby! That is awesome. I'm also thrilled you're back in Utah, even though we haven't had a chance to hang out yet!! I hope you move close to us!!